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Featured Events

Dec 7 2024 - 12:00am
  Join Us for a Unique Holiday Experience with the Capital City Chorus! Are you seeking a... more

Is increased happiness part of your New Year's resolution? Do Mondays get you down? Do you enjoy singing? Are you ready to have Mondays become your favourite day of the week?!! Come and sing with this great group of gentlemen from across the National Capital Region.

Try us out for a week or few with no commitment, then decide if you're ready to supercharge your life! We rehearse every Monday evening, throughout the year.

The annual Youth Quartet Competition hosted by the Capital City Chorus showcasing our region’s up-and-coming barbershop talent from schools around the city is coming up. It is a fantastic evening which offers students the opportunity to share their love of singing. It is a marvelous way to unite today’s youth with those who are young-at-heart. Their common bond… a cappella singing.

Harmony UniversityFor a number of years, many of our members have made a pilgrimage to Harmony University (yes, there is such a thing!) to take part in a wide range of courses such as Conducting Techniques, Vocal Techniques, Composing and Arranging, Music Theory, Physics of Sound, and even How to be a good Bass! Some of our Quartets have attended the Quartet College stream to receive coaching as a group.


Recent news

June 17, 2024 - 7:58am
We have concluded our It's Showtime show and it was a great success! Thanks to all who worked tirelessly to... more
February 13, 2024 - 1:57pm
That’s a wrap for our 2024 Singing Valentines! 5 Quartets 4 eValentines sent 17 live Singing Valentines... more
January 16, 2024 - 10:44am
On Jan 15 2024 the Chorus gathered at Bellagio's Restaurant to celebrate the achievements of the past year. ... more